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Patient’s family awarded $1 million in medical malpractice suit

November 27th, 2017

Patient’s family awarded $1 million in medical malpractice suit

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, November 27, 2017.

Many Louisiana families have a loved one that requires constant care. Many families are unable to provide the care personally, and opt for a nursing home to fulfill that role. If the facility is understaffed or otherwise fails to provide an appropriate standard of care, any resulting injuries suffered by a patient may constitute grounds for a medical malpractice claim.

After the death of their 70-year-old relative, a family was awarded $1 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit against the facility responsible for his care. The patient was placed in the nursing home for treatment after several toes and his leg, below the knee, were amputated. He was both emotionally and physically dependent on the staff. Unfortunately, before he was transferred to another facility, the patient fell several times, which resulted in broken bones. He also contracted pneumonia.

The family said that the facility claimed to provide a variety of services to the patients including medical, nursing, a number of different therapies and daily care. However, it was later revealed that the facility was often understaffed and unable to provide the standard of care that was promised. It was also noted that this nursing home had been cited for poor performance in previous years.

When health care facilities prioritize profits over care, it is the patients who suffer. Louisiana families who have a loved one that has been a victim of medical malpractice or another form of negligence may benefit from contacting an attorney. By enlisting the help of a lawyer, legal recourse may be available for medical costs, funeral expenses when applicable, and other financial losses recognized by state and/or federal laws.

Source:, “Jury awards $1M in medical malpractice“, Howard Frank, Nov. 21, 2017

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