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Archive for January, 2019

Hospital Negligence

Hospital negligence leads to 4,000 ruined eggs and embryos

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Hospital Negligence on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. Many Louisiana couples dream of becoming parents one day. Unfortunately, some experience difficulty conceiving naturally and turn to medical intervention to help them achieve their goal. Sometimes, such plans include a cryogenic procedure in which embryos or eggs are frozen to be used at a later date. Last March, hospital negligence led to a malfunction in the cryo tank at a fertility center, affecting nearly 1,000 families. More than 70 lawsuits were filed against the facility, and recently, eight more families stepped forward to file claims for monetary damages. The incident happened nearly one year ago, in…

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Medical Malpractice

13 veterans file class-action medical malpractice complaint

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Tuesday, January 22, 2019. Most people in Louisiana and across the country would agree that the ability to walk without pain or difficulty is crucial to one’s well-being. People who experience problems with their feet that significantly hinders this ability often seek a surgical solution. While everyone undergoing any type of surgery hopes for a successful outcome, this was not the case for over 100 veterans who were victims of medical malpractice after receiving podiatric care from a doctor at a VA medical facility in another state. Recently, a class action complaint was filed by 13 of those patients. The incidents took…

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Medical Malpractice

Family claims medical malpractice led to child’s death

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Wednesday, January 16, 2019. As most Louisiana parents know, a child’s first trip to the dentist is both exciting and a bit scary, for the child and parents alike. In most cases, the experience is generally a positive one, and the child is ready to begin a lifetime of periodic dental visits to keep his or her teeth healthy. Sadly, one family in another state had a vastly different experience. Their 2-year-old son died during a dental procedure, and the parents have now filed a lawsuit against the dental facility and the anesthesiologist involved in the procedure, alleging medical malpractice. The incident…

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