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Stillborn infant’s remains lost in hospital negligence case

April 18th, 2017
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Hospital Negligence on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

A judge has ruled that one hospital must inform a mother what happened to her baby after the facility allegedly lost the stillborn infant’s remains. The mother, who is suing for hospital negligence, has been trying for over three years to get answers as to why she cannot lay her child to rest. According to the judge, the mother has the right to know where those remains ended up. In Louisiana, a stillborn birth is also known as a spontaneous fetal death.

According to the court records, the mother gave birth to a stillborn infant when she was in her 22nd week of pregnancy. The child, whom she named Avery, was born on March 28, 2014. She was able to love, hold and kiss her baby, as well as hold a religious ceremony for the child with her pastor and relatives. But she never had the chance to lay her baby to rest.

The mother claims that a hospital employee came and brought her a keepsake box, which was filled with various items from the baby, including the child’s footprints. At that time, she was told to let the staff know when she was ready to send the child down for an autopsy. She never saw her baby again after that procedure.

The mother is suing for hospital negligence, claiming that the staff knew that she wanted to bury her child. The judge stated that the mother has the right to know what happened to her child’s remains and to have possession of the remains immediately. If that doesn’t happen within 20 days, the mother automatically wins her case. In Louisiana, those who have been the victims of hospital negligence can rely on a medical malpractice attorney to guide them through the process of suing for compensation.

Source:, “Hospital Must Answer Mom’s Questions After Allegedly Losing Stillborn Baby’s Remains: Suit“, Caitlin Nolan, April 10, 2017

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