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Medical Malpractice Lawyer Discusses the Importance of Grieving and Taking Control after a Spinal Injury

November 12th, 2015
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in spinal cord injury on Thursday, November 12, 2015.

All spinal cord injuries are devastating. Even a minor fracture may have a lasting impact on your life, resulting in physical disabilities and ongoing medical expenses. Many of these victims turn to a spinal cord injury lawyer to help them avoid insurmountable debt.


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When most people imagine spinal cord injuries, car crashes or serious falls come to mind. However, one of the most common causes is medical malpractice.

If you suffer a spinal cord injury – no matter the cause – there are several steps you can take to ease the recovery process. Two of the most important are grieving and then taking control of your life.

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury due to a doctor’s negligence, then The Bowling Law Firm may be able to help. A New Orleans medical malpractice lawyer can evaluate your case and determine if you may be eligible for compensation.

You may be entitled to lost wages, medical expenses, and compensation for pain and suffering from the at-fault party. Call (504) 586-5200 today to learn more.

In the meantime, read on to learn the importance grieving and taking control of your life after a spinal injury:


As MayoClinic states, grieving is not only for people who experience a death in the family; it is also important for injury victims. A spinal injury is a particularly painful and life-changing event, and it is natural for you and your family to experience a period of grief. According to WebMD, you may also feel disbelief, sadness and anger.

Accept that this is a healthy, natural and important part of your recovery. At the same time, keep in mind that you will eventually need to set new goals that account for any disabilities or limitations that you may have.

You should not isolate yourself during the grieving period. If you do not have family and friends for support, then turn to a local support group. The Brain Injury Association of Louisiana is a good place to start.

Take Control

At some stage following your injury, you will need to take back control of your life. One of the best ways to do this is to learn as much as you can about the injury and how to rebuild an independent life in spite of it.

There is a range of technology that can assist you with regaining independence, including driving equipment and home modifications. You may need to install ramps and widen your doorways, or install doorknobs that you can turn easily.

There are several expenses that follow a spinal cord injury. In addition to health-care bills, modifying your home can cost thousands. Fortunately, you may be able to recover these losses in a personal-injury lawsuit.

At the The Bowling Law Firm, we know that a spinal injury can be expensive. A New Orleans spinal cord injury lawyer will investigate the nature of your injury and guide you through the claims process. Call us today at (504) 586-5200 to schedule a consultation.

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