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Was I the Victim of Med Mal? New Orleans Medical Malpractice Attorney Explains

October 15th, 2015
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Thursday, October 15, 2015.

More than 51.4 million in-patient surgical procedures take place each year in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s not surprising, then, that medical malpractice claims are common.




Not all physician mistakes constitute medical malpractice. If you were the victim of a health-care worker’s negligence, then a personal-injury attorney can evaluate your situation to determine if you may have valid grounds for a lawsuit.

If the incident happened in Louisiana, then New Orleans medical malpractice lawyer

David A. Bowling can determine if you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. If you would like to schedule a consultation, then call The Bowling Law Firm at (504) 586-5200.

In the meantime, read on to learn how to determine if you may have been the victim of medical malpractice:

Signs That You Were a Victim of Medical Malpractice

According to Forbes, medical malpractice generally happens when a doctor or health-care organization acts negligently, and this negligence results in additional injuries, damages, pain and suffering. A bad or unsatisfactory outcome to a medical procedure does not necessarily constitute malpractice.

Often, patients are not aware that they were victims of malpractice. Many patients do not learn this fact until another physician tells them.

Some doctors are honest when they make a mistake, and they may admit to their own errors. Many physicians who make an error apologize in order to mitigate a potential malpractice claim. They may also try to push the claim through an insurance company rather than face litigation.

This leads to another common question regarding medical malpractice:

Should You Accept a Doctor’s Apology?

It may be tempting to accept an apology if your doctor owns up to a mistake and says that he or she is sorry. There are several potential complications that may arise from this situation, and it may be beneficial to consult a medical malpractice lawyer who can evaluate your situation.

The doctor may be attempting to settle the claim quickly through his own insurance to reduce the potential costs and payout amounts. You may only discover additional injuries at a later stage, when it is too late to sue for damages.

For this reason, you should consult a lawyer who can provide an insightful, third-party opinion. The attorney may also have access to medical experts who can evaluate your situation, determine the extent of the malpractice and potentially support your claim.

Although everyone makes mistakes – and medical professionals are not exceptions – failing to respond to malpractice appropriately can put victims in debt. In addition to discomfort and pain, many of these patients face extensive medical bills to treat complications that result from physician negligence.

If you were injured as a result of a health-care worker’s mistake, then David A. Bowling can assess your situation and represent your interests. Mr. Bowling is a New Orleans medical malpractice attorney who knows how to find success in court. To schedule an appointment, call us today at (504) 586-5200.

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