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Former inmate files medical malpractice lawsuit

March 12th, 2019

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Tuesday, March 12, 2019.

Louisiana residents experiencing any type of physical or mental symptom that perhaps indicates a medical abnormality of some sort should be able to assume they can consult with a medical professional and receive the attention and care required. However, this is not always the case. A former inmate from another state is claiming medical malpractice caused him to endure a lengthy hospital stay and suffer from lasting spinal damage. He recently filed a lawsuit against the state, the state’s corrections department, and the health care organization responsible for providing medical care at the facility in which he was incarcerated.

Last winter, during his incarceration, the 52-year-old inmate began experiencing pain throughout his lower back and both legs, affecting his ability to walk. He also complained of chills, nausea and trouble urinating. According to the lawsuit, medical staff at the inFirmary treated him for a urinary infection, but did nothing to treat his other symptoms and did not refer him to specialized care. Several weeks later, after his release from prison, he landed in a local emergency room with an inflamed and infected spine and stayed in hospital for 35 days.

The former inmate’s lawsuit is one of more than two dozen filed against the health care organization in recent years, and the attorney handling the case indicates he expects more suits will follow in the coming weeks from other prisoners. According to this man’s lawsuit, medical staff did not perform a thorough physical examination, and if properly diagnosed at the time, he could have avoided the lengthy hospital stay. The lawsuit also refers to other cases in which negligent behavior caused medical harm to sick inmates and at least one death.

Although incarcerated people should be able to receive the same medical care as anyone else, this may not be the case, at least in this situation. In addition to medical malpractice, this man’s lawsuit alleges several counts of negligence, including improper training and provision of medical staff at the prison and emotional distress, among other claims. People in Louisiana who believe they or their family members have been victims of medical malpractice may wish to pursue the matter in civil court, as this man has done. A medical malpractice attorney can review individual case details and provide insight into available legal options.

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