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Medical malpractice: Man files lawsuit after leg ampuation

September 18th, 2018
On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Tuesday, September 18, 2018.

Infections typically result from a type bacteria or fungus that results in negative symptoms for a human. When an infection is not treated properly or a person’s immune system cannot handle the bacteria growth, serious complications and sometimes death can occur. Thankfully, with modern medicines, most infections can be quickly treated and corrected before life-threatening conditions can occur. Louisiana residents may be interested in one man’s lawsuit who claims he suffered medical malpractice after a doctor inadequately treated his infection.

The man noticed an open wound on the bottom of his foot and sought the medical treatment of an urgent care physician. According to the lawsuit, the physician prescribed the man with oral broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are intended to kill a wide range of bacteria. No other labs or cultures were performed prior to sending him home. A week later, the man claims to have phoned the doctor complaining that the wound had become worse, making it difficult for him to walk.

The following week, the patient’s wound infection had spread, necessitating surgery and intravenous care. The infection had spread throughout his body resulting in life-threatening conditions. Sadly, the man’s leg had become very infected, and most of it had to be removed. The man has filed a lawsuit against the doctor for medical malpractice claiming that adequate treatment sooner could have prevented his permanent disabilities.

Sadly, there are cases similar to this man’s. Unfortunately, the costs of medical care and living expenses become the burden of the patient and/or the family of the patient. Some patients may find hope with sharing the details of their case with a Louisiana medical malpractice attorney to understand their legal options. Sometimes, attorneys are able to assist clients with obtaining compensation for the suffering that they have experienced.

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