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Medical malpractice: $28 milion judgment appealed by hospital

September 10th, 2018

Medical malpractice: $28 milion judgment appealed by hospital

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, September 10, 2018.

Despite a $28 million judgment in a patient’s favor, legal battles and hearings continue to occur, and the patient has not seen any money from the hospital accused in the lawsuit. The case has been held up due to the hospital’s appeal of the judgment. In addition, hearings must occur to discuss how and when payments may be made. Although it may seem like a lengthy process, Louisiana patients who have suffered similar medical malpractice may receive the financial assistance needed for medical care with the help of the right attorney.

The 26-year-old woman currently requires around-the-clock care and expensive medical treatment. When she was in college, she was active and functioned independently. After she began suffering from some health problems, including a hand tremor, she sought the advice of physicians. Despite persistent and progressive symptoms, physicians continued to diagnose and treat the woman for anxiety and depression.

After the woman’s mother demanded that her daughter undergo an MRI, it was discovered that the woman was suffering a rare genetic disorder. Because of the disorder, the woman was accumulating toxic amounts of copper in her brain and vital organs. The family and woman filed a lawsuit against the hospital, claiming that a quicker diagnosis could have prevented some of the debilitating, permanent symptoms she now suffers. In addition to appealing the 28 million verdict, the hospital has requested that they be able to make payments over the course of 58 years.

Suffering medical malpractice can result in permanent disabilities or even death. Unfortunately, the burden of financing long-term medical care usually falls on the family members. Medical malpractice attorneys in Louisiana can examine a patient’s case and advise clients and/or family members of their legal options for legal recourse and the possibility of financial compensation.

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