How Can You Help Your Partner Cope with the Emotional Impact of a Traumatic Birth?
October 6th, 2017Carrying a baby to term can be both physically and emotionally draining, but couples who are expecting tell themselves it will all be worth it once their child is born. Giving birth is supposed to be one of the most beautiful moments in a woman’s life; however, labor and delivery is still a medical procedure, and during medical procedures, there is always the chance that something might go wrong.
Sometimes, traumatic births are unavoidable. In many other cases, though, they are the result of substandard medical care. Regardless of the underlying reason for the trauma, The Atlantic reports it is entirely possible for women to develop post-traumatic stress disorder following a distressing delivery. At a time when women and their partners should be experiencing nothing but joy, they can be stricken with grief.
If your partner had a traumatic birth because of a negligent healthcare provider and you want to file a malpractice claim to hold him or her accountable, contact The Bowling Law Firm. Our legal team will help you navigate the claims process and fight for the maximum compensation so your family can focus on recovering. Call 877-775-3539 to schedule a case evaluation with a birth injury lawyer in Jackson.
Read on to learn how you can help your partner cope with the emotional impact of undergoing a traumatic birthing experience:
1. Help out with the Baby as Much as Possible
You and your partner may have agreed that you would return to work after the baby was born, but a traumatic delivery changes everything. If you can get additional time off work, consider staying home for a bit longer so you can help out with the new baby as much as possible. It can be hard for new moms to bond with their babies if they associate the infant with the delivery room trauma, so your partner may need some help easing into motherhood.
2. Do a Therapeutic Activity Together
Creating something out of nothing using just your hands can be incredibly therapeutic. In fact, that is one of the reasons why art therapy is so popular at rehabilitation facilities around the country. Get some watercolors or charcoal pencils and a few sketchbooks, and make it a point to sit down together on occasion and create something beautiful.
3. Be Attentive and Loving Every Day
When someone has suffered a recent trauma, the really is the little gestures that mean the most. Cook your partner’s favorite meal, buy her flowers, or pick up her favorite flavor of ice cream the next time you are running errands. In short, remind her in some small way every day that you truly care.
4. Find Local Resources That Can Help
If your partner’s emotional state does not improve despite your best efforts, you may eventually have to seek professional help. Find local support groups for moms who went through similar birthing experiences, or look up a therapist who specializes in PTSD, and talk to your partner about attending a meeting or making an appointment.
If your partner had a traumatic birthing experience because of a negligent doctor, contact The Bowling Law Firm. Call 877-775-3539 to schedule a consultation with a birth injury attorney in Jackson. You can learn more about birth injury claims in Mississippi by visiting
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