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What Are the Most Common Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)?

March 13th, 2017

What Are the Most Common Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)?

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Monday, March 13, 2017.

Although hospitals are places of healing, there are certain risks of staying at one for an extended period of time. Since most hospital patients already have a compromised immune system, they are likely to develop serious infections when they come in contact with bacteria, and it should come as no surprise that hospitals are filled with dangerous bacteria.




According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4 percent of all hospital residents have at least one healthcare-associated infection on any given day. In recent years, hospitals across the country have been taking extensive measures to prevent HAIs, but these infections are still far more prevalent than they should be.

If you developed a healthcare-associated infection during your last hospital stay and you think the staff’s negligence was a contributing factor, contact The Bowling Law Firm. David A. Bowling will evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds for a claim. He will help you pursue the maximum compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other damages. Call (504) 586-5200 to schedule an initial consultation with a Jackson medical malpractice lawyer.

What Are the Most Common Healthcare-Associated Infections?

According to a survey published in The New England Journal of Medicine, pneumonia and surgical site infections are the most common healthcare-associated infections. In decreasing order of prevalence, other common HAIs include:

Gastrointestinal infection;

Urinary tract infection;

Primary bloodstream infection;

Ear, eye, nose, throat, or mouth infection;

Lower respiratory tract infection;

Soft-tissue and skin infection;

Joint and bone infection;

Central nervous system infection;

Reproductive tract infection; and

Systemic infection.

What Are the Risk Factors for Developing an HAI?

At the end of the day, all hospital patients are at risk of developing a healthcare-associated infection; however, certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of getting one. For example, patients with an already compromised immune system are more likely to contract an infection.

Patients who belong to vulnerable populations, such as infants or the elderly, are at a higher risk of developing an HAI, as well. Other patients who may be more likely to get an infection are those who have indwelling or invasive medical devices, such as breathing tubes or catheters, in their bodies. Central lines and ventilators also increase a patient’s risk of infection.

The risk of developing an infection due to an invasive medical device increases the longer the patient must rely on the device. Surprisingly, extensive antibiotic use also increases the risk of infection among hospital patients because bacterial strains can become resistant to antibiotics.

If you experienced life-threatening complications during your last hospital stay because of a healthcare-associated infection, a medical malpractice lawyer from The Bowling Law Firm will help you seek compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other damages. Call (504) 586-5200 to discuss your situation with a Jackson pharmacy error attorney. You can learn more about medical malpractice in Mississippi by visiting

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