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Medical malpractice: Nurse’s error results in death of patient

December 5th, 2018

On behalf of David Bowling of The Bowling Law Firm, A Professional Law Corporation posted in Medical Malpractice on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.

Certain medications administered in a hospital or doctor’s office setting require multiple step safety guards to help prevent medication administration errors. Some medications are more dangerous than others if administered incorrectly. Louisiana patients may be saddened to learn that a nurse’s error may have resulted in the death of a patient. The family may be seeking the advice of a medical malpractice attorney in the aftermath of her death.

The patient sought the care of medical professionals for headaches, swelling of the brain and other symptoms. Reportedly, the patient was in stable condition. As part of the patient’s treatment, the patient’s physician ordered two milligrams of Versed, but the nurse gave a different and fatal dose of another drug. The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and died following the dose.

After an investigation by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid was completed, it was determined that the nurse mistakenly gave a fatal dose of a drug called Vecuronium. The drug is typically used in surgery to paralyze and relax patients. On further review, the mistake and patient’s death required mandated reporting to the Department of Health, but the hospital failed to do so and almost lost the ability to bill services to Medicare. Reportedly, the nurse also bypassed established safety procedures prior to the incorrect dose.

Medical malpractice attorneys understand the devastation that can occur in the aftermath of a medical error. Patients may suffer injury, disabilities, additional medical care and/or death. Skilled Louisiana attorneys are able to review a patient’s case and offer advice for the best legal recourse.

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